Today I went photo shooting after Grandma and I solved all world problems — It was an easy task — being up here where our world is Drummond Island – the pool of problems was small – Oh, We did have to put is place a penciled-in fall schedule – and we did that. and that was before our regular Sunday brunch with friends  — and before the Sunday trail ride and after talking via phone with my son and his who will arrive on Drummond in 48 + hours!  Whew, busy!

When I go out to shoot I have several targets — Clouds, Stones, Interesting Wood, Weeds/wildflowers, Geese/Loons, or Sea Gulls You may have noticed that most of my targets do not move too fast — so that makes it easer – not like deer, bears, or songbirds — who move away about the time I go to snap them — and most of the other photographers do not go after them — so competition for excellence is limited! You, know who goes out of their way to photo a common Sea Gull or a piece of dead wood?

Today, i am running out of time so must head out for Sunday’s trail ride on my buddy Perla! So, I will tell you what I shot this morning and will post them tomorrow. Gulls, Weed, Wood Stones, Clouds — I think some great ones — so come back tomorrow   BUT FIRST THE REWARD::::: I got a WOW’s  from Marc — Remember, yesterday I ask you to go out and shoot WOW’s he did and I include them here — hope you are OK with that Marc.


attached are 
some photos from "Summer Streets
 NYC 2013."  Park Ave is closed
 from 72nd all the way down to the
 Brooklyn Bridge.  Max & I toured 
around for some of it, along with 
supposedly 250,000 others (those 
were mostly on foot).  I think they 
get crowds as there are lots of free
 gifts, such as frozen banana covered
 in chocolate on a stick.   They ran 
out of those.  Max preferred street 
vendor hotdog and 
chipotle...IMG_2361marcs wow
Bye  -- Off we go -- Have a great Sunday!

Bye — Off we go — Have a great Sunday!